
Like most part of the musicians on earth, i choose teoria.com
This web-site is awesome to practice certanly stuffs practiced in Solfeo, and like Solfeo is an obligatted matter to every musician I think this website can be so useful between pairs.
Now, the web site has four sections at the top of the page: tutorials, excercises, references and articles. You can see this in http://teoria.com/index.php
Each one of this sections are dedicated to treat a diferent aproximations. For example, the section called "excercices" provide us a complete ambience to work and train our ears. Listen and categorazing between differents scales or arpeggios. Today, Friday, i have a test of Solfeo, and this page is, like sais Frollo from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", my sanctuary. This web-site is promoted by teachers. It's recommended for the practice and study in each level of Rhythm and Solfeo. And now, following that recommendation, i must go to study, see you later to all!


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