Piotr Illich Tchaikovsky

Piotr Illich Tchaikovsky is my favorite artist. He's dead from 1983, but his music stay alive until now.

My first aproach was when i was 4 years old. My grandmother loved classical music, specially orchestral music and opera. With fifth symphony of Beethoven and "Eine Kleine Natshmusik" of Mozart, sixth symphony of Tchaikovsky was required music to appreciate.

Tchaikovsky was a great composer. Very talented. Her made tell us in his biography that when he was a child, sometimes he woke up from bed, screaming and crying because the music in his head was to much loud.

He had absolute ear, for that he could write music in the exactly moment when he was imaginate it. And his creativity was extraordinary, specially about his capacity to compose melodies. A lot of his melodies are now incorporated in the memories of world's population.

His legacy was such that his music is now used for cinema movies. First movement from sixth symphony it's a example: was used in "Ana Karenina" (1996), "Cómo ser John Malcovich" (1999), "Fantasía" (1940), "Fellini 8 1/2" (1963), "Misery" (1990), "Rollerball" (1975), "Y la nave va" (1983). [http://www.revistadeartes.com.ar/revistadeartes_9/musicaclasicacine.html]

Dear reader, if you are not convinced about hear his music, try with his symphonic poems, i'm sure that "Romeo and Julieta" will convince you.


  1. YES! Tchaikovsky is one of the best!
    For me, the Symphony 5 is the most beautiful, because is the real desperation in the life...
    In conclusion, this man is the best.... Mahler, mmmm soso hahaha.

    See you later :)

  2. I have a interesting history with Romeo y Julieta of Tchaikovsky. I heard for the first time in the ''Municipal of Santiago'' two years ago. Last year I traveled to ''Buenos Aires'' and heard the same composition in the ''Teatro Colón''. This year I traveled to ''La Habana'' and heard again this music in the ''Teatro Alicia Alonso''.


  3. I did not know that he had absolute hearing, curious information :o


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